How To ...
Add ProMGR Kiosk Browser device to ProMGR?
Step 1. Activate ProMGR support in ProMGR Kiosk Browser app. In Remote Admin Settings enable Remote Admin, set a good Remote Admin Password and enable Remote Admin from ProMGR. ProMGR Kiosk Browser will now communicate with ProMGR servers. Of cause, you can set these settings by importing a settings file.
Step 2. Login to your ProMGR Account and click the Add Devices button on the Device page. Now you can type your Device ID (can be found in Other Setting of the app) and your Remote Admin Password for this device (as you defined in the ProMGR Kiosk Browser app). If your devices are licensed with a Volume License Key this step is much easier as you can type your Volume Key. Don't worry about existing devices, ProMGR will never allow duplicated devices on the same account. Press Add Devices button to complete. On the Device page you will now see the device entry with all the quick info and command buttons.
Alternatively you can add your device to ProMGR from the ProMGR Kiosk Browser app. Look for the Add Device to ProMGR button in Remote Admin settings. If you select to save credentials your ProMGR email and password (encrypted) will be saved in your ProMGR Kiosk Browser app settings and can be copied to other devices during the deployment process in order to add devices to ProMGR automatically.
For business customers with 10+ devices we recommend using the device provisioning for deployment.
Make device provisioning?
Device provisioning is the fastest way to setup factory new or resetted devices. ProMGR supports different Android device provisioning methods. You can create provisioning profile and get step by step instructions in Provisioning menu.
For device provisioning please create a Configuration first. You can import a ProMGR Kiosk Browser settings file (JSON) if you've already configured devices with ProMGR Kiosk Browser or create a configuration from the scratch.
When making device provisioning you can also select adding devices to ProMGR (or even into some group of devices) and/or to the existing Enterprise. Depending on the selected provisioning method you have to define additional provisioning parameters like locale, timezone, Wifi key, APK URL etc. when creating provisioning profile.
Organize devices in ProMGR?
You can give a nice name to each device in ProMGR. Just click on the edit button next to the device title.
Look in the menu for Groups. You can create multiple groups and assign devices to them. Each ProMGR Kiosk Browser device can be a member of many groups. In order to add/remove devices look for Add to Group and Remove from Group buttons on the Fast Admin dropdown on the device entry on the Device page. If you like groups you can also assign devices to selected group when adding devices.
Devices you don't need to manage any more can be removed from ProMGR by the Remove Device button on the Fast Admin dropdown. (The subscription place will be freed, however you won't be able to add this device to the subscription again.)
Make an action on many devices at once?
Use the checkboxes at the device entry and the checkboxes Select all online/offline devices below the list to select the required devices. Now look for the Fast Admin dropdown below the device list. All actions listed can be done with only one click for all selected devices. Offline devices will receive the command later if you activate the Queue for offline devices checkbox.
Change and export ProMGR Kiosk Browser settings?
You can manage each single device in the Remote Admin of that device. It opens in the new browser tab if you click on the Remote Admin button in the device entry.
If you go to Settings menu of the Remote Admin you can change all 200+ settings of this ProMGR Kiosk Browser installation remotely. Changed settings will be applied immediately. So be careful.
In the Export/Import menu you can export and download current settings of that device as DAT or JSON file. You can import this JSON file as Configuration in ProMGR in order to use it for device provisioning or push it to other devices using Push Configuration To Device command.
Push new configuration to devices?
Once you have made and downloaded a good settings file you can deploy these settings to other devices. Select all devices you want to push the settings to using the checkboxes at the device entry or the checkbox Select all below the list. Select Upload & Import Settings File or Push Configuration To Device from the Fast Admin box below the list, select the settings file or configuration and click Go! ProMGR will push the settings to all selected devices and you will see each device response. Offline devices will get configuration later if you activate the Queue for offline devices checkbox.
Get notification in case of… ?
You can get an email or push notification if your device has got offline or unplugged, or battery level is low. Enable the notification for each device individually with Manage Alerts button in the Fast Admin dropdown on the device entry. Look on the Cloud Settings menu for the thresholds and put your Pushbullet access token needed to send push notifications. The email alert is always sent to your ProMGR account email address.
Open a sub-account or give restricted access?
You can create sub-accounts in Cloud Settings and give them full admin access. You can also grant restricted access to the device group for sub-accounts - only view info (read only) or remote control permission. Look in the Groups menu.
Make a subscription?
If you like ProMGR advanced features like remote configuration or alerts please make a subscription in order to use it after the free trial month. Go to Subscriptions page and select all devices you want to have on the subscription. Look at the Create a new ProMGR Subscription box for the price options available. Consider adding some spare devices which makes the price per device cheaper. Now click on Subscribe button and follow the PayPal checkout process.
Once started you can't add new devices to the subscription. But you can start another one if you need more devices get managed with ProMGR. If you added some spare devices you can later add new devices to free places however there is no refund for unused spare devices.